Origami Pigs

I Hope there are No Re-Pork-Ussions for Showing You these Origami Pigs

I recently saw a couple of adorable and fantastic origami pigs and boars from Hiroaki Kobayashi’s Flickr and it gave me the idea to do a pig-themed post. In this post we’ll be showcasing an excellent collection of pigs of both the domesticated and wild varieties. You’re seriously going to squeal with delight when you see…

Origami Dragons

It’s not the Heat of the Moment, These Origami Dragons really are Awesome

We’re finally back with another post and I’m going to do my best to get somewhat regular posts happening again! If you’ve been following this site for a while then you know that origami dragons are some of my favourite things. Dragons are super popular and there is no shortage of amazing designs from all…

Money Papercraft

I was Cent to Show You this Origami and Euro Should Take a Look

I’ve always really liked things folded from paper money, Money Origami. Traditionally one uses a square sheet of paper when folding but when you use money you have to deal with rectangles of various aspect ratios since every country’s money is a different shape. Plus every country uses different designs and colours on their money…

Prehistoric Paper Folding

These 27 Prehistoric Origami Models are Dino-mite!

Paper dinosaurs are always awesome and the dinosaur designs out there are pretty incredible! In this post we’re going to take another look at some more incredible paper dinosaurs. We’ll start things off with this expertly folded Styracosaurs folded from a 35cm x 35cm square of paper. Philippe Landrein (the folder) definitely recommends bigger paper if…

Star Wars Day Papercrafts

Some of My All-Time Favourite Star Wars Origami to Celebrate Star Wars Day

If you’re a Star Wars fan then you should know that May 4th is Star Wars Day. It’s Star Wars Day because “May the Fourth” sounds like saying “May the Force Be With You,” a famous phase from Star Wars. So in honour of Star Wars Day today I’ve put together this post with some…

Final Fantasy White Mage

Chocobos, Summons, Fiends and Other Amazing Final Fantasy Origami

I first posted this Final Fantasy themed article about 2 years ago. Since then I’ve found a bunch more fantastic Final Fantasy themed models. Rather than make a second post I’ve decided to update this one with all the new models. Enjoy! There’s a ton of really awesome video game themed origami out there that…

Papercraft Sea Creatures

I’m a Really Big “Fin” of this Origami from Under the Sea

In this post we’re going to take a look at another excellent round of papercrafts from under the sea. We’re talking fish, crustaceans, cephalopods and more! First up is an absolutely beautiful dolphinfish (mahi-mahi) folded from some of the most beautiful looking origami paper I’ve ever seen. Dolphinfish (Mahi-Mahi), Designed by Winston Lee and Folded by…