Origami Cards and Chess

Rook no Further for some Awesome Chess and Playing Card Themed Origami

Over the last little while I’ve noticed more and more people folding origami playing cards. These models are super impressive because usually they use paper that’s white on one side and red or black on the other side. The designs use colour changes so you end up with a white card background and red hearts…

Money Papercraft

I was Cent to Show You this Origami and Euro Should Take a Look

I’ve always really liked things folded from paper money, Money Origami. Traditionally one uses a square sheet of paper when folding but when you use money you have to deal with rectangles of various aspect ratios since every country’s money is a different shape. Plus every country uses different designs and colours on their money…

Origami Logos

Origami Logos, Flags and Other Awesome Looking Symbols Folded from Paper

One post I’ve wanted to make for a while now is one about origami logos. Interestingly enough there are some pretty cool origami versions of various logos. Many of the designs use a single sheet of paper with a different colour on each side for a very neat effect. So in this post we’ll be…

Origami Weapons and Armour

Origami Weapons and Armour You Could Almost Take Into Battle

In this post we’re going to take a look at something new, origami weapons and armour. Believe it or not people have folded everything from swords to guns and a lot of these models are very impressive. We’ll start off this post with this great paper tank photographed at a convention in South Korea. Tank,…


If You Don’t Love These Origami Shoes then You Probably Have no Sole

When doing research for this website I was surprised to find a ton of really awesome origami shoes. Here’s a great basketball shoe design from Sipho Mabona. Onitsuka Tiger Basketball Shoe, Designed by Sipho Mabona and Folded by nyanko sensei Diagrams available in the Origami Tanteidan 15th Convention book   Here’s a couple of pairs of cute little…


Take a Minuet to Look at this Amazing Music-Themed Origami

You can fold pretty much anything you can imagine from paper and that includes things like musical instruments, musicians and other music themed things. There’s actually a pretty surprising amount of awesome music themed models and we’ll be covering a lot of it in this post starting with this paper bass. The entire thing is folded from…


Delicious Looking Origami Food that You Can Almost Taste

Surprisingly enough there are a lot of origami food models and a lot of them are actually quite amazing. You don’t normally think about food when it comes to origami, it’s usually things like animals or shapes but this just goes to show you that if you’re a good enough designer you can fold literally…


Can’t Make it to the Beach? Try Folding these Origami Seashells!

Pretty much anything you can think of can be folded with origami and that definitely includes seashells. Not only are there a lot of fantastic origami seashell designs but with all the amazing colours and patterns of origami paper available you can really make some beautiful and unique looking seashells that might even rival the…

Money Horse

22 Awesome Origami Models Folded Using Paper Money

Most traditional origami is done using a single square sheet of paper however certain models require that rectangular sheets of paper with certain proportions are used. Because the paper money of different countries are all different sizes this gives you a bunch of differently shaped rectangles to fold origami out of while also giving you…