Prehistoric Paper Folding

These 27 Prehistoric Origami Models are Dino-mite!

Paper dinosaurs are always awesome and the dinosaur designs out there are pretty incredible! In this post we’re going to take another look at some more incredible paper dinosaurs. We’ll start things off with this expertly folded Styracosaurs folded from a 35cm x 35cm square of paper. Philippe Landrein (the folder) definitely recommends bigger paper if…


23 Pterrific Dinosaurs Expertly Folded from Paper

Dinosaurs continue to be some of my favourite things to fold so in this post we’re going to take a look at another fantastic round of origami dinosaurs. Kaede Nakamura has designed an excellent Styracosaurus. Finding a way to fold all those horns couldn’t have been easy. Styracosaurus, Designed and Folded by Kaede Nakamura Instructions not…


Fantastic Non-Dinosaur Prehistoric Origami Creatures

We’ve done several posts featuring origami dinosaurs but this time we’re going to feature different prehistoric animals. I’m not entirely sure how an Archaeopteryx is classified anymore but I think it counts for this post and Satoshi Kamiya has designed a fantastic origami version. Archaeopteryx, Designed by Satoshi Kamiya and Folded by 簡單的度過-2 Crease pattern available in…


Some of the Best Origami I’ve Seen in 65 Million Years

Dinosaurs are a very popular topic in origami. We’ve posted about them before and we’re probably not going to run out of awesome dinosaur origami in a very long time so here’s another post full of incredible origami dinosaurs. Tran Trung Hieu is a master at designing origami dinosaurs so we’ll open this post with this…


11 Ferocious Origami Dinosaurs

A lot of origami artists have developed a lot of awesome looking origami dinosaurs.  Here are some of my favourites out of the more ferocious looking dinosaurs. Dimetrodon Grandis, Designed and Folded by Tran Trung Hieu Follow Tran Trung Hieu on Flickr or Facebook Instructions not available Original image on Flickr   Therizinosaurus, Designed and Folded by…