How to Make an Easy Origami Caterpillar
These instructions will show you how to make an easy origami caterpillar. If you’ve never folded anything before take a quick look at our Beginner’s Guide which will teach you all the basics.

Step 1) Fold the paper in half and then unfold it.
Step 2) Fold the top of the paper down and the bottom up along the dotted lines. This will divide the paper into thirds.
Step 3) Turn the paper over.
Step 4) Make a series of Pleat Folds all along the the body of the caterpillar.
Step 5) Fold the model in half.
Step 6) Make an Inside Reverse Fold on one side.
Step 8) Pull the model apart a little bit to give it sort of a curved shape.
The completed caterpillar
What did you think about this origami caterpillar? Let us know in the comments!
I am looking for information about books. I loved the book by Peter Saydak. I was able to make mearly every model in that book. However, I have since purchased The Complete Book of Origami by Robert Lang and I am mostly unable to follow the directions. I am quite disappointed. I wonder if you could give me some information about the book Origami Omnibus. Are the diagrams clear? Are they easy to follow like Saydak?
Grateful for your help. I am just getting started on Origami and enjoying it a lot.
Yeah, Robert Lang’s stuff is a lot more difficult. Origami Omnibus is a fantastic book and one of my favourites. You’ll find models about the same level as in my book and then you’ll find a bunch that are a little bit more difficult. A couple of them might be pretty hard but I bet you could do them with practice. The Chinese dragon in that book is one of my favourite models to fold. It’s somewhat difficult but not too bad. Origami Omnibus is probably actually a very good next book if you’ve finished mine and are looking for something just a little bit more difficult but nowhere near as hard as Robert Lang’s stuff.