Ohio Paper Folders is Raising Money to Bring Origami to Over 190 Children’s Hospitals
For several years now a local origami group from Ohio called the Ohio Paper Folders has been putting together little origami kits and donating them to a local hospital.
The kits have proven to be be very popular and they’ve received tons of emails and phone calls from grateful parents saying that it helped make a difference in their children’s stay.
Origami is a perfect activity for these kids as it can be done almost anywhere and started or stopped throughout the day.
Now Ohio Paper Folders is expanding this initiative and they want to put together booklets and kits of paper for hopefully 190+ children’s hospitals in North America.
The plan is for each hospital to receive 25 of 4 different origami books plus 100 packages (50 sheets per package) of different origami papers.
The more money they receive the more the cost per unit of these kits comes down and the more hospitals they’re able to supply.
They’ve set up a Go Fund Me campaign and as of right now they’ve raised $9,820 of their goal of $53,000.
If you’d like to help them out you can visit their Go Fund Me campaign here where you can also get more information about this fundraising campaign.
They also have an online paper store and the money they receive through there also goes towards helping their community projects.
If you’re interested in helping support this campaign click the button below to visit their Go Fund Me page. There are a few different rewards for backers including discounts in their online store!
[button color=” border_color=” background=” icon=” type=’default’ size=’default’ radius=’0px’ link=’http://www.gofundme.com/origamiforhospital’ newwindow=’true’ ]Support the Go Fund Me Campaign![/button]
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