Unbelievably Unforgettable and Unique Origami Unicorns
I was collecting origami unicorns for a sort of general mythological creature themed post but ended up with enough of them with enough different designs that I figured they deserved their own entire post.
First up is an elegant unicorn design by Andrey Ermakov.
Unicorn, Designed by Andrey Ermakov and Folded by AbrahamMardini
Diagrams available in Olympiad 2014
This next model is an Alicorn which is apparently the name for a winged Pegasus-like unicorn.
Alicorn, Designed by Do Ba Huy and Folded by Alexander Kurth
Diagrams available in VOG 2: Origami.vn
This next unicorn has a more realistic looking design.
Unicorn, Designed by Đồng Viết Thiện and Folded by Malleon
Instructions not available
Here’s the previous unicorn design again photographed at an origami event.
Unicorn, Designed by Đồng Viết Thiện (Photo by Phạm Hoàng Tuấn)
Instructions not available
Here’s Andrey Ermakov’s great unicorn design again.
Unicorn, Designed by Andrey Ermakov and Folded by Luc MARNAT
Diagrams available in Olympiad 2014
Roman Diaz has also designed an excellent origami unicorn.
Unicorn, Designed by Roman Diaz and Folded by Luc MARNAT
Diagrams available in Origami Essence
This next unicorn designed by Satoshi Kamiya is one of the best origami unicorn’s I’ve ever seen.
Unicorn, Designed by Satoshi Kamiya and Folded by Emre Ayaroglu
Diagrams available in Works of Satoshi Kamiya 1995-2003
Here’s Andrey Ermakov’s great unicorn again.
Unicorn, Designed by Andrey Ermakov and Folded by Pierre-andré
Diagrams available in Olympiad 2014
Here’s a different unicorn design from Andrey Ermakov with a really fantastic colour change.
Unicorn, Designed and Folded by Andrey Ermakov
Diagrams available in Origami School of Masters
Here’s Satoshi Kamiya’s excellent unicorn again.
Unicorn, Designed by Satoshi Kamiya and Folded by DebugMode
Diagrams available in Works of Satoshi Kamiya 1995-2003
Hoàng Tiến Quyết designed a great unicorn head using that distinct curved Vietnamese origami style.
Unicorn Head, Designed by Hoàng Tiến Quyết and Folded by Jackie Yang
Instructions not available
Here’s another excellent rendition of Đồng Viết Thiện’s more realistic looking origami unicorn.
Unicorn, Designed by Đồng Viết Thiện and Folded by Nguyen TuanTai
Instructions not available
CahoonasOrigami has a very cute unicorn design.
Unicorn, Designed and Folded by CahoonasOrigami
Instructions not available
Andrey Ermakov’s unicorn is a very popular design, here it is again from a different folder.
Unicorn, Designed by Andrey Ermakov and Folded by Natalia Romanenko
Diagrams available in Olympiad 2014
Here’s Andrey Ermakov’s unicorn again but with a quite different feel.
Unicorn, Designed by Andrey Ermakov and Folded by 潘杭
Diagrams available in Olympiad 2014
We showed Roman Diaz’s unicorn design earlier in this post but here it is again shaped very differently making it look almost like a completely different model.
Unicorn, Designed by Roman Diaz and Folded by Gonzalo
Diagrams available in Origami Essence
Here Gonzalo folded the unicorn into it’s standard design.
Unicorn, Designed by Roman Diaz and Folded by Gonzalo
Diagrams available in Origami Essence
Here’s another very excellent origami alicorn design.
Alicorn, Designed by Hojyo Takashi and Folded by Gonzalo
Video instructions available from Cool Origami Tutorial by Yakomoga on YouTube
Here’s Andrey Ermakov’s popular unicorn again.
Unicorn, Designed by Andrey Ermakov and Folded by Alexander Krupnikov
Diagrams available in Olympiad 2014
And here’s Roman Diaz’s great unicorn again.
Unicorn, Designed by Roman Diaz and Folded by Alexander Krupnikov
Diagrams available in Origami Essence
This is another unicorn design by Andrey Ermakov and is one of the most interesting origami unicorn designs I’ve seen.
Unicorn, Designed and Folded by Andrey Ermakov
Instructions not available
Our final model for this post is this incredibly detailed alicorn. I especially like the mini-wings on each of the legs and this is probably the best origami unicorn I’ve seen.
Alicorn, Designed and Folded by Leo Lai
Instructions not available
Which one of these origami unicorns is your favourite? Let us know in the comments and be sure to check out all these artists and send them some likes and comments on their work.
Unique – (adj.) being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.
Cut me some slack, there’s only so many adjectives that start with a “U” and even less that start with a “uni”.