Incredible Mobile Suit Gundam Robots Folded Out of Paper
We’ve made a couple of posts in the past about anime-themed models. When I saw the designs from origami RXMAN however I knew we had to do a Gundam specific post.
The Gundam anime series is a science fiction anime series that started back in 1979. It’s one of the oldest anime series and pretty much defined the giant robot anime genre. The show features giant robots called mobile suits battling in a futuristic military setting.
Since it’s debut there have been multiple television series, comic books, movies and a massive toy industry. Since you have so many different models and toys based off of the different robot designs of course it follows that there would be some paper versions of the robots as well.
As mentioned before origami RXMAN is definitely the master of Gundam origami designs although a couple of other designers have made some excellent models as well.
We’ll start off this post with a whole series of different robot designs from origami RXMAN starting with this paper BB Zaku. These models are all folded from multiple sheets of paper.
Gundam Series 01, Designed and Folded by origami RXMAN
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Here’s the second Gundam design, a somewhat more polished BB Zaku.
Gundam Series 02, Designed and Folded by origami RXMAN
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Next we have the third Gundam design of MS-09B Dom.
Gundam Series 03, Designed and Folded by origami RXMAN
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This next design is a very different style and I quite like how the hands look.
Gundam Series 04, Designed and Folded by origami RXMAN
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Here’s another excellent design but unfortunately it sounds like origami RXMAN forgot how to fold the head once it was completed.
Gundam Series 05, Designed and Folded by origami RXMAN
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The whip and shield in this model are a very nice touch.
Gundam Series 06, Designed and Folded by origami RXMAN
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It looks like there might be a bit of cutting in this model but that’s ok. It’s not really that necessary and it’s a nice touch. I definitely love how colourful all these models are.
Gundam Series 07, Designed and Folded by origami RXMAN
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I really like the shoulder pads in this design. The detail in all of these is amazing.
Gundam Series 08, Designed and Folded by origami RXMAN
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This is the tallest Gundam in the series with different proportions from the rest of them.
Gundam Series 09, Designed and Folded by origami RXMAN
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Here’s a fantastic paper version of RX-77-2 Guncannon.
Gundam Series 10, Designed and Folded by origami RXMAN
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And here’s the final and probably most complicated Gundam model from this series.
Gundam Series 11, Designed and Folded by origami RXMAN
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origami RXMAN did however go back and fold one more super tiny version of the BB Zaku. You can see the plastic egg in the background to show the scale and how small this model is.
Gundam Series S1, Designed and Folded by origami RXMAN
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Next we have a completely different Gundam design from a completely different designer. This is the RX-78-2 Gundam which is probably the most well-known and recognized robot design from the series.
Gundam, Designed and Folded by Brian Chan
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Next is a Quebeley model that’s folded out of 4 sheets of paper.
AMX-004 Qubeley Mk-II, Designed by Eric Lan and Folded by Nostrich
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Here we have a very detailed paper version of the RX-78 Gundam’s head photographed at a convention.
Gundam Head, Designed and Folded by Atsunori Muraki (Photo by Nostrich)
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Our final model for this post is this Gundam that’s folded from a regular bird base!
Gundam, Designed and Folded by Kim DongHyeon
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It’s really too bad that there aren’t instructions for any of these, especially that whole series of models made by origami RXMAN. Hopefully one day these designers choose to make some instructions.
Which one of these Gundam models is your favourite? Let us know in the comments and be sure to let the original creators know as well!
Teach us how to fold the Gundam. Please.