23 More Excellent Origami Models from Video Games
I’m a big fan of both video games and origami so naturally I’m always excited when I come across excellent video game themed origami models.
In this post we’ll look at various video game characters and objects all folded out of paper.
First up is one of my all time favourite models, Satoshi Kamiya’s Divine Dragon Bahamut. Bahamut is a summon in most games in the Final Fantasy series.
Divine Dragon Bahamut, Designed by Satoshi Kamiya and Folded by J.W Park
Diagrams available in Works of Satoshi Kamiya 1995-2003
The turrets from the Portal games are some of the most famous characters?/things? in video games. Here’s an absolutely fantastic paper version.
Portal Turret, Designed and Folded by Finward
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Next we have this excellent Barroth from the Monster Hunter series.
Barroth, Designed and Folded by Cahoonas
Crease pattern available from Cahoonas’ DeviantArt
Everyone should recognize this paper goomba from the Super Mario games.
Goomba, Designed by Nicolas Gajardo Henriquez and Folded by Hiroaki Kobayashi
Diagrams available in the Origami USA 2016 Convention book
Next we have this absolutely incredible Stallord, a skeleton monster from the Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. This whole model is folded from a single sheet of 60cm x 60cm paper.
Stallord, Designed and Folded by Alex Satsukawa
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Here we have an awesome paper crowbar which is one of the most famous things from Half Life 2.
Half Life 2, Designed and Folded by Luc MARNAT
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This is one of the anti-gravity racing ships from the Wipeout video game series.
Feisar, Designed and Folded by Cahoonas
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Here’s a very detailed origami version of Tails from the Sonic video games. The entire model is folded from a single square of paper.
Tails, Designed and Folded by Alex Satsukawa
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These are the two witches that Link has to fight as the boss of the Spirit Temple in the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.
Twinrova, Designed and Folded by Finward
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Journey is an absolutely fantastic game and these paper versions of the characters are amazing.
Journey, Designed and Folded by Timothy Chang
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Here’s a unique chocobo design that I haven’t seen before. Chocobos are giant yellow birds that characters ride on in the Final Fantasy series.
Chocobo, Designed and Folded by Mathieu Gueros
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I really live the Pikmin games and these multicoloured Pikmin are awesome. The little objects like the battery and screws in the photo are a really nice touch.
Pikmin, Designed and Folded by Anita Raj
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Here we have a Nyx Assassin, one of the heroes of DOTA 2.
Nyx Assassin, Designed and Folded by Tony Koesworo
Crease pattern available from Tony Koesworo’s Flickr
CL4P-TP or Claptrap is a great character from the Borderland series.
CL4P-TP, Designed and Folded by Cahoonas
Crease pattern available from Cahoonas’ DeviantArt
Here’s an awesome paper Baneling from Starcraft.
Baneling, Designed and Folded by Alex Satsukawa
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This is the Mad Cat from the Mech Warrior series of video games.
Mad Cat Mech, Designed and Folded by Cahoonas
Crease pattern available from Cahoonas’ DeviantArt
Here’s another excellent, more traditional looking Chocobo design.
Chocobo, Designed by Andrey Ermakov and Folded by Alexander Krupnikov
Diagrams available in Olympiad 2013
This is another great paper version of a creature from Monster Hunter.
Designed and Folded by saku saku
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You can’t have a post about video game origami without some Pokemon so here’s a Pikachu design I haven’t seen before. It’s folded from a bird base.
Pikachu, Designed and Folded by Pan Hang
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In the Pokemon games there’s an alternate colour version for each Pokemon known as a shiny version. There’s something like a 1 in 8000 chance to encounter a shiny version. Gyarados is usually blue but the shiny version is red so you can totally use different coloured paper to fold shiny Pokemon.
Gyarados, Designed by Henry Phąm and Folded by Joe Adia
Video instructions available from Henry Phąm’s YouTube channel
Alex Satsukawa designed this absolutely amazing Bowser. Here are two different photos showing the front and back. It’s all folded from one sheet of paper and the colour changes are fantastic!
Bowser, Designed and Folded by Alex Satsukawa
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Bowser, Designed and Folded by Alex Satsukawa
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Our final model is absolutely amazing. This is Paarthurnax a dragon from the Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. This entire dragon is folded from a single 70cm x 70cm square of paper with no cuts!
Paarthurnax, Designed and Folded by Ta Trung Dong
Instructions not available
That’s it for this post. Be sure to check out all of these amazing origami artists and let them know that you like their art. Leave a comment for us and let us know which one of these is your favourite.