Are you ready to bring a splash of creativity into your day? Let’s fold a fun origami dolphin together!
This model is perfect for beginners and a great way to practice the swivel fold.
Whether you’re just starting out or have some experience with origami, I’m here to guide you step-by-step as we create a lovely dolphin in just under 10 minutes.
Traditional Origami Dolphin Step-by-Step Instructions
- Difficulty: Easy – Beginner Level 2
- Folding time: 5-10 minutes
- Model designer: Traditional
- Recommended paper: We used 18×18 cm (7×7 in) custom-designed origami paper (you can download it here). Alternatively, Kami 15×15 cm (6×6 in) will work well.
- Note: Scissors are needed for the tail
Step 1
Rotate the paper 45 degrees clockwise. Fold both diagonals and unfold.
Step 2
Fold the right edges to the center line, then unfold.
Step 3
Fold the left edges to the center line, then unfold.
Step 4
Using the creases created in Steps 2 and 3, collapse the model’s upper half as shown on the diagram.
Step 5
Repeat Step 4 on the lower half.
Fold This Dolphin with Our Free Pattern!
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Step 6
Bring the two flaps created in Steps 4 and 5 to the left.
Step 7
Turn the model over. Next, fold the left corner towards the center line.
Step 8
Fold the top flap to the left along the dotted line, covering about one-quarter of the distance between the left edge and the centerline.
Step 9
Fold the left corners along the dotted lines, aligning them with the crease created in Step 8.
Step 10
Fold the flap created in Step 9 back to the left
Step 11
Cut along the dotted line.
Step 12
Fold the left corner along the dotted line, approximately one-third of the length of the top flap.
Step 13
Fold the model in half horizontally by bringing the bottom half up.
Step 14
Fold the tail’s top layer along the dotted line.
Step 15
Fold the dolphin’s fin along the dotted line.
Step 16
Turn the model over. Then, fold the second half of the tail along the dotted line.
Step 17
Lift the top flap and position it to fold along the dotted line.
Open the flap and position the paper to create the dorsal fin. Push everything flat, making a Swivel fold.
🐬 Folding tip: Feel free to adjust the angle of this fold to move the dorsal fin wherever you’d like!
The Completed Origami Dolphin
Turn the model over to complete the origami dolphin.
Congratulations on folding your very own origami dolphin!
This playful paper project is a wonderful way to unwind and let your creativity shine.
Keep experimenting with different paper styles and sizes to make each dolphin unique.
Don’t hesitate to share your creations with us in the comments or on socials!
Download the Full Origami Dolphin Printable PDF Instructions
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i dont know how to make that crease in step4
Hi Mirko, start by folding along the green creases you created in steps 2 and 3 (from the corners to the edges). Then, you can finish folding the blue crease. Check the gif to see the movement. The top edges should meet the center crease.