Take a Break from Your Quests to Check Out this Fantastic Monster Hunter Origami
With the recent release of Monster Hunter World I figured now would be the perfect time to do a post all about Monster Hunter origami.
The Monster Hunter series is very popular with quite a strong following so it makes sense that people would design origami versions of the various monsters found throughout the series.
We’ll start this post out with this incredible Rathalos design. A Rathalos is a flying wyvern with a spiny armoured hide which you can see in this paper version. They’ve been around since the very first Monster Hunter game. This one is folded from a single uncut square of paper!
Rathalos, Designed and Folded by Timothy Chang
Instructions not available
A designer known as Cahoonas has designed several excellent Monster Hunter models. This next monster is called a Trigrex and it’s another type of flying wyvern.
Tigrex, Designed and Folded by Cahoonas
Crease pattern available from Cahoonas’ DeviantArt page
Saku Saku is probably the ultimate (get it?) Monster Hunter designer and has designed paper versions of tons of different monsters. This is a more insect-like monster called a Seltas Queen. They’re typically a green colour so you’ve got to use green coloured paper to fold them like you see here.
Seltas Queen, Designed and Folded by Saku Saku
Crease pattern available from Saku Saku’s Flickr
Here’s another excellent design from Saku Saku of a Royal Ludroth.
Royal Ludroth, Designed and Folded by Saku Saku
Crease pattern available from Saku Saku’s Flickr
Here’s another excellent design by Cahoonas of a species of flying wyvern called a Nargacuga. Design wise it’s very similar to Cahoonas’ Tigrex model and uses the same basic crease pattern.
Nargacuga, Designed and Folded by Cahoonas
Crease pattern available from Cahoonas’ DeviantArt page
This is another really awesome dragon monster called a Kushala Daora. This one again is folded from a single uncut square of paper!
Kushala Daora, Designed by Haruka Hashimoto and Folded by Timothy Chang
Crease pattern available from Haruka Hashimoto’s Flickr
Here’s an elder dragon known as a Chameleos. I really like the colour change on this design with the tongue. Kyoung Su Kim used the perfect paper here.
Chameleos, Designed by Asa and Folded by Kyoung Su Kim
This Lagiacrus is another really excellent design from Saku Saku.
Lagiacrus, Designed and Folded by Saku Saku
Crease pattern available from Saku Saku’s Flickr
Alex Satsukawa designed this great Daimyo Hermitaur, a crab-like monster with a giant shell. This design also has a really great colour change for the shell.
Daimyo Hermitaur, Designed and Folded by Alex Satsukawa
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This next monster is called a Hypnocatrice, it’s kind of a cross between a bird and a wyvern.
Hypnocatrice, Designed by Sebastian Arellanno and Folded by Blue Dandelion the Creator
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Saku Saku also has a great Nargacuga design that’s a little less complex than Cahoonas’ version. I really like how it looks like it’s crawling across the ground here.
Nargacuga, Designed and Folded by Saku Saku
Video instructions available from Saku Saku’s YouTube channel
This next little dinosaur-like monster is called a Velociprey.
Velociprey, Designed and Folded by Saku Saku
Crease pattern available from Saku Saku’s Flickr
Next is something a little bit different and less dangerous, a deer like creature called a Kelbi.
Kelbi, Designed and Folded by Saku Saku
Crease pattern available from Saku Saku’s Flickr
This next little guy is called a Qurupeco. This is another bird/wyvern and I think this origami version looks kind of cute for a ferocious monster.
Qurupeco, Designed and Folded by Saku Saku
Crease pattern available from Saku Saku’s Flickr
Video instructions available from Saku Saku’s YouTube channel
Next is another design from Saku Saku of a Deviljho, a type of Brute Wyvern.
Deviljho, Designed and Folded by Saku Saku
Video instructions available from Saku Saku’s YouTube channel
You can’t have a post about Monster Hunter without including those cute little cat companions. Here’s a fantastic Felyne model folded by Kyoung Su Kim.
Felyne, Designed by Asa and Folded by Kyoung Su Kim
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Here’s another more docile creature called a Mosswine. Mosswines are small moss covered pigs that really like mushrooms.
Mosswine, Designed and Folded by Saku Saku
Crease pattern available from Saku Saku’s YouTube channel
This next monster is called an Uragaan. It’s back is covered with hard crystals and I love how there’s a tessellation pattern here to form those crystals.
Uragaan, Designed and Folded by Komura Yuki (Photo by Naoto Horiguchi)
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Here’s Hashimoto Haruka’s amazing Kushala Daora model again this time folded by the designer themselves.
Kushala Daora, Designed and Folded by Hashimoto Haruka
Instructions not available
Here we have a few more flying wyvern monsters called Gigginoxes.
Gigginox, Designed and Folded by Tominaga Kazuhiro (Photo by Naoto Horiguchi)
Instructions not available
This next dinosaur looking monster is known as a Barroth. It has a large crown-like structure on the top of it’s skull which is why the head here has a kind of odd looking shape.
Barroth, Designed and Folded by Cahoonas
Crease pattern available from Cahoonas’ DeviantArt page
Saku Saku has designed two excellent versions of the a monster called a Lagombi. Lagombi are similar to wombats but with large ears, a beak like mouth and a thick fur coat.
Lagombi, Designed and Folded by Saku Saku
Crease pattern available from Saku Saku’s Flickr
This next version is a bit more ferocious looking I think.
Lagombi, Designed and Folded by Saku Saku
Instructions not available
Here’s another excellent monster designed by Saku Saku. This is a Zinogre which is a more lupine-like monster.
Zinogre, Designed and Folded by Saku Saku
Video instructions available from Saku Saku’s YouTube channel
Next is a monster called an Uroktor. These live in volcanos and can tunnel through solid volcanic rock. They have red skin hence the red paper used here.
Uroktor, Designed and Folded by Saku Saku
Video instructions available from Saku Saku’s YouTube channel
Our final model for this post is another flying wyvern (there are a lot of those in Monster Hunter!). This one is called a Seregios and this origami version is incredible, especially with all those individually folded scales.
Seregios, Designed and Folded by Ogiso Hiroya (Photo by Kaede Nakamura)
Instructions not available
I’ve only heard good things about Monster Hunter World and I hope to pick it up when I have time. In the meantime though I think I’m going to try to fold some of these Monster Hunter origami models.
Which one of these monsters is your favourite? Let me know in the comments!