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if it Bleeds

Love your articles mate! I need to make some like this!


A few old tanteidan books are available on this website I found.

You can download 5 books a day and sign in for free to get 10 books a day. The oldest book they have is the 5th edition I think.



Do you have the Japan Origami Society contact email?

I’ve been trying to contact them via its contact form in the web, but it doesn’t work, no matter the web navigator I use.

After you compose the message, when you press the send button it shows a two spinning arrows icon that keeps spinning forever.


i also use this method. i dont think that you should actually buy each and every book you want to fold from

Joseph Lamb

Most of the Tanteidan Convention books and many of the magazines are available as pdfs on Scribd. You can preview parts of the pdfs for free, or gain full access to all pdfs through a monthly subscription (~$8/month). Scribd also has many other hard-to-find origami books in full as pdfs.