Are you looking to challenge your origami skills with an elegant design? This traditional origami dragonfly is a lovely model accessible to beginners yet offers a fun challenge.
With a couple of tricky swivel folds for the wings and an interesting roll-like fold for the head, this model is a great way to improve your folding skills.
Note that you’ll need to use scissors to shape the wings to achieve the origami dragonfly’s delicate form.
Let’s get started!
Traditional Origami Dragonfly Step-by-Step Instructions
- Difficulty: Beginner – Level 5
- Folding time: 10 to 20 minutes
- Model designer: Traditional
- Paper: We used 18×18 cm (7×7 in) custom-designed origami paper (you can download it here). Alternatively, Kami 15×15 cm (6×6 in) will work well.
Step 1
Start with the colored side of the paper facing up. Fold and unfold both diagonals.
Step 2
Turn the paper over. Then, fold and unfold in half both horizontally and vertically.
Step 3
Rotate the paper 45° clockwise. Then, collapse the paper as shown on the diagram using the existing creases, making a square base.
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Step 4
Fold and unfold along the dotted lines. Then, repeat on the other side of the model.
Step 5
Petal fold by bringing the bottom corner up and folding along the top horizontal line. Then, repeat on the other side of the model.
Step 6
Fold down the top corner at the back of the model.
Step 7
Fold and unfold the lower corners of the top flap upwards along the dotted lines.
Step 8
Using the crease created in Step 6, open each top flap at the bottom of the model. Pinch the center of each flap on both sides, then fold it behind the flap above it. The model should now resemble a four-pointed star.
Step 9
Bring the top edges towards the center. This movement will pull the layer located behind to the front. Fold the edges from top to bottom and squash the top layer, as shown in the diagram.
Step 10
Turn the model over. Then, mirror Step 8 on the bottom part of the model.
Step 11
Mountain fold the model in half, from left to right.
Step 12
Rotate the model 90° counterclockwise. Then, fold and unfold along the dotted line.
Step 13
Using the creases created in Step 11, make an outside reverse fold.
Step 14
Open the right flap created in Step 12. Fold in small sections from the bottom corner to the top to shape the head.
🌸 Folding tip: To make this step easier, you can turn the model so it faces you. You’re going to fold from bottom to top, similar to a rolling motion.
Step 15
Cut both wings in half vertically.
Step 16
Fold the wings down along the dotted lines, adjusting them so they are perpendicular to the body.
Step 17
Fold each tip of the wings along the dotted lines. Then, inside reverse fold each of them towards the center.
The Completed Origami Dragonfly
Congratulations on completing your traditional origami dragonfly!
Whether you choose to showcase it as a stunning centerpiece or incorporate it into a lovely nature-themed display, your dragonfly is sure to impress.
Don’t forget to share your creations with us in the comments or on socials.
Download the Full Origami Dragonfly Printable PDF Instructions
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