Are you ready for a fun and slightly more challenging origami project? With each fold, you’ll bring a fascinating creature to life, capturing its wisdom and quiet beauty.
The traditional origami owl offers an interesting way to practice your folding (and cutting) skills.
Don’t worry if this model seems a bit trickier. We’ll guide you step by step as we turn a simple sheet of paper into a wise little owl.
Traditional Origami Owl Step-by-Step Instructions
- Difficulty: Beginner Level 4
- Folding time: 20 minutes
- Model designer: Traditional
- Material: Kami 15×15 cm, Scissors
Step 1
Start with the white side up. Fold in half and unfold.
Step 2
Fold in half the other way and unfold. Then, turn the paper over.
Step 3
Fold and unfold along the diagonals.
Step 4
Rotate the paper 45 degrees counterclockwise and turn it over.
Step 5
Collapse along the dotted lines to create a Square Base.
Step 6
Fold and unfold along the dotted lines.
Step 7
Petal fold by bringing the bottom corner up and folding along the top horizontal line.
Step 8
Turn the model over and repeat Steps 6 to 7 on the back.
Step 9
Fold the top flap down. Repeat behind.
Step 10
Fold the edges to the center line. Repeat behind.
Step 11
Start pulling the middle right flap outwards.
Lift the top part half of the flap up, and pull the inner point outwards and upwards to create the wing.
Step 12
Repeat Step 11 on the left side.
Step 13
Let’s start creating the head by pleating the tip.
Step 14
Fold the tip down.
Step 15
Make a small cut along the center line of the top layer.
Step 16
Fold up the flaps to create the claws.
Step 17
Turn the model over.
Step 18
Make a cut along the top layers. Bring the flaps up to create the ears. Then, turn the model over.
The Completed Origami Owl
Congratulations on folding your very own origami owl!
This lovely paper owl will make a perfect addition to your origami collection or a great handmade gift.
I hope you had fun with the process and feel inspired to keep exploring other origami models.
Feel free to share your creations with us in the comments or on socials!
Wow this owl is so cool!