Colourful Fireworks

Possible 2018 Origami Awards Extravaganza? Give Me Your Thoughts!

So I’ve been thinking of putting together some kind of 2018 End-of-the-Year Origami Awards and I’d like to get some feedback. My initial thought is to come up with some categories such as “the best origami dragons”, “the best origami fish”, “the top most awesome origami models I saw all year”, “the most unique looking…

Viking Longboat

Fantastic Viking and Norse Themed Origami for Leif Erikson Day

October 9th is known as Leif Erikson Day, an observance that honours the Norse explorer Leif Erikson who is believed to be the first European to ever set foot in North America. The date itself doesn’t really have anything to do with Leif Erikson. Instead it commemorates the date of the start of a large…

Eastern Dragon

I’m just Winging this Post Full of Incredible Eastern Style Origami Dragons

This is an update to an older post that was kind of popular but didn’t really have that many images in it. I’ve decided to go back and add in a few more because there are a lot of really great Eastern-style origami dragons out there. The original post is below with a bunch of…

Origami Cards and Chess

Rook no Further for some Awesome Chess and Playing Card Themed Origami

Over the last little while I’ve noticed more and more people folding origami playing cards. These models are super impressive because usually they use paper that’s white on one side and red or black on the other side. The designs use colour changes so you end up with a white card background and red hearts…

Video Game Day

Celebrate Video Game Day with Amazing Origami from Tons of Great Games

September 12 is officially Video Game Day and since I love video games this is the perfect opportunity to take a look at some more video game themed origami. Fortunately there are tons of really excellent models from all kinds of different games all throughout gaming history. No matter what kind of games you like…

Awesome Origami Insects

Hive Got to Show You these Origami Insects, they’re Getting a lot of Buzz

After dragons origami insects might just be my next favourite thing. There really aren’t any other types of models that have the same level of complexity and details while looking so much like the real-life versions. You can really tell that a lot of work has gone into these designs and probably a ton of…

Origami Bears

I Could Bearly Wait to Show You these Oso Ursome Origami Bears

There are a ton of absolutely fantastic origami bears out there so in this post we’re going to take a look at some of our favourites. I hope you’re pre-beared! First up is very life-like looking bear. The paper used here is really awesome and looks quite like fur. Bear, Designed by Nicolas Terry and…


Wren You See these Origami Birds You’ll Agree they’re Absolutely Im-peck-able

In this post we’re going to take a look at an impeccable collection of origami birds of all kinds. Excited? Let’s dive in! We’ll start things off with an adorable little owl sitting in a tree. This little owl has a ton of personality and expression and I really like the lighting in this photo…

Origami Pigs

I Hope there are No Re-Pork-Ussions for Showing You these Origami Pigs

I recently saw a couple of adorable and fantastic origami pigs and boars from Hiroaki Kobayashi’s Flickr and it gave me the idea to do a pig-themed post. In this post we’ll be showcasing an excellent collection of pigs of both the domesticated and wild varieties. You’re seriously going to squeal with delight when you see…

Origami Dragons

It’s not the Heat of the Moment, These Origami Dragons really are Awesome

We’re finally back with another post and I’m going to do my best to get somewhat regular posts happening again! If you’ve been following this site for a while then you know that origami dragons are some of my favourite things. Dragons are super popular and there is no shortage of amazing designs from all…